Helmut and Johanna Kandl, Your Way to the Top, 2001, Worlds of Work, museum in progress, billboards, Vienna

Dorit Margreiter, some establishing shots (labour), 2002, Worlds of Work, museum in progress, billboards, Vienna

Melik Ohanian, White Wall Travelling 1997, 2003, Worlds of Work, museum in progress, billboards, Vienna

Thomas Locher, Politics of Communication, 2003, Worlds of Work, museum in progress, billboards, Vienna

Julius Deutschbauer and Gerhard Spring, Arbeit macht froh (Works brings happiness), 2005, Worlds of Work, museum in progress, billboards, Vienna

"Worlds of Work" (2001–2005) is a museum in progress exhibition series in cooperation with the Vienna Chamber of Labour in the media of poster (1040 Wien, Prinz Eugen Straße 20–22 and Plößlgasse 13) on INFOSCREENs in the Vienna underground system and in the daily newspaper DER STANDARD.
"Worlds of Work" is a response to the desire by the Vienna Chamber of Labour for discussion in public and hence with workers of socially relevant issues in a fine-arts format.
The project was documented in a publication: Worlds of Work, ed. by the Chamber of Labour for Vienna and museum in progress, Vienna, 2005, 120 pages, German/English. Order the book in our webshop!