Since the establishment of museum in progress in 1990 the Austrian daily paper DER STANDARD has been an important media partner of the art initiative, providing media space for works of art in varying cooperations.
- Art and Global Media
- Art & Science
- Art, Society and Media
- Austria in the rose net
- Balkan Consulate
- Billboard
- California
- Century of Artistic Freedom
- Cities on the Move
- Cooperation Ljubljana
- discursive museum
- Distance
- DO IT – TV-Version
- Factory Season
- Freud and Psychoanalysis
- Functional Pictures
- Gap Filler
- Gastarbajteri
- Global Positions
- human
- Individual Exhibitions (Secession)
- Interventions
- Interventions in progress
- Large Scale Picture
- media loop
- Mediations
- Message as Medium
- mission of art
- Newspaper Wall
- Portraits of Artists
- Printed Matter
- profil without words
- Remapping Mozart
- Return
- Rolling Boards
- Safety Curtain
- selected works
- Signs of Trouble
- Society/Games
- Standard Museum
- stealing eyeballs – designing media
- TransAct
- TransAct 2 – Linguistic Fields
- Tranzit
- urbanTension
- Utopia Station
- Vienna Stripe
- Vital Use
- With an Open Mind
- Woman/War/Victimage/Resistance
- Worlds of Work
- Young Scene
asuntos horizontales, Simone Bader, Dani Busic, dezentrale medien, Muzaffer Hasaltay, Ruth Kaaserer, Anna Kowalska, Djonja Oliveira Mendes, Simon Mullan
Martine Aballéa, Bernard Bazile, Jeremy Deller, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Rudi Molacek, Navin Rawanchaikul, Gerwald Rockenschaub, Markus Schinwald, Beat Streuli, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Rosemarie Trockel
Max Boehme, Bernhard Cella, Oliver Croy, Carola Dertnig, Richard Fleissner, Fritz Grohs, Richard Hoeck, Christian Hutzinger, Margarete Jahrmann, Dorit Margreiter, Klaus Scherübel, Bonita Szabo, Matta Wagnest
Thomas Baumann, Pierre Bourdieu, Malachi Farrell, Seamus Farrell, Filippo Di Giovanni, Fernando Palma de Rodriguez
Hermann Beil, Saskia Bos, Andreas Hapkemeyer, Werner Hofmann, Kasper König, Sylvère Lotringer, Petr Nedoma, Max Neuhaus, Harald Szeemann
Sabine Breitwieser, Alice Creischer, Daniela Hammer-Tugendhat, Christian Kravagna, Ulf Wuggenig
Eleanor Antin, Roger Martin Buergel, Ines Doujak, Harun Farocki, Augustine Leisch, Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle, Nina Menkes, Ruth Noack, Alejandra Riera
Patricia Bickers, Chris Dercon, Philippe Duboy, Leon Golub, Haga-Roch Paillet, Nancy Spero, Lidwien van de Ven