Worlds of Work


"KOLARIĆ" by Marko Lulić is the seventh billboard exhibition in the exhibition series "Worlds of Work" by museum in progress in cooperation with the Vienna Chamber of Labour. The exhibition was presented from June – August 2003 in front of the buildings of the Vienna Chamber of Labour (1040 Wien, Prinz Eugenstraße 20–22 and Plößlgasse 13). The work will also be presented in the daily newspaper DER STANDARD and on INFOSCREENs in the Vienna subway-system.

"We have called for workers, people have come." Forty years after the agreement between the Austrian Federation of Trade Unions and the Chamber of Commerce to take in immigrants for economic reasons, this legendary quote from Max Frisch is brought to mind. In his work for the poster project "Worlds of Work" the artist, Marko Lulić, an Austrian with Serbo-Croat roots, takes up the iconic "Kolaric" poster from 1973 which has become a symbol and parable of the "Gastarbeiter". (Brigitte Huck)