Worlds of Work

Your Way to the Top

The project in public space "Your Way to the Top" takes as its theme the world of work. The artists have chosen various subjects from an extensive educational archive of coloured glass negatives from between the wars and combined these with quotes from the world of business today. The results are images which raise the question of social conditions in the 21st century in a surprisingly new way. (Brigitte Huck)

The works by Helmut and Johanna Kandl could be seen in public space from 11-06 until 31-08-2001, in the media of poster and Citylights (1040 Wien, Prinz Eugenstrasse 20–22 and Plößlgasse 13) on Infoscreens and in the daily newspaper DER STANDARD. A museum in progress project in cooperation with the Vienna Chamber of Labour.

Man does not live by bread alone. He also needs success.

Money is really good for women!

There are no saturated markets, only saturated managers.

Equality is here, you just have to use it.

You must learn to thicken your skin.

Everyone wants to be the best.

Capitalism is about getting rich.

Be tough, but stay human!

No cross, no crown

Optimism is contagious.

It was clean, positive thinking that changes my life.

Of course, everyone wants to go to the South Seas, and as quickly as possible.

Total market economy combined with European humanity.

The goal is to continue to grow strongly and increase profits disproportionately.

Work becomes beautiful.

If you want to earn above average, you have to work above average.

Effective leaders communicate their authority.

Big changes in any field create winners and losers.

I have finally found the position of my dreams!