Worlds of Work

ABMachine / Ne travaillez jamais

In the fourth "World of Work"-billboard exhibition the German artist Andreas Siekmann presents his two series of drawings "ABMachine" and "Ne travaillez jamais" from the cycle "From: Limited Liability Company". The exhibition could be seen from June – August 2002 in front of the buildings of the Vienna Chamber of Labour (1040 Wien, Prinz Eugenstrasse 20–22 and Plößlgasse 13). The work was also presented in the daily newspaper DER STANDARD and on INFOSCREENs in the Vienna subway-system. A museum in progress project in cooperation with the Vienna Chamber of Labour. 

"Andreas Siekmann (born 1961 in Berlin) works in the medium of drawing and models on projects which support the concept of the social in public space. For many years he has been intensively concerned with the categories of work, economy and social policy. In his drawings urban public space becomes a stage for social restructuring. The picture stories tell of changed social conditions and a new concept of work, they tell of citizens' rights and understanding of democracy, of information, communication and language. The individual series make up the work 'From: Limited Liability Company' function as linear picture chains which can be 'read' and their arguments followed. The 'legibility' of the drawings is supported by their comic book their ornamental fullness and their confinement to just a few colours." (Brigitte Huck)