Pala Pothupitiye (Graphik von Isanka Thalagala), Southern Province, 2012, Mediationen, museum in progress, Colombo Art Biennale, Sunday Times, Sri Lanka, 05.02.2012, Plus, S. 6, 7, Zeitungs-Multiple

Pala Pothupitiye (Graphik von Isanka Thalagala), Southern Province, 2012, Mediationen, museum in progress, Colombo Art Biennale, Sunday Times, Sri Lanka, 05.02.2012, Plus, S. 6, 7 und Der Standard, 20.02.2012, Beilage The New York Times, S. 6, Zeitungs-Multiples
Pala Pothupitiye received his art education at the Visual and Performance Art University in Colombo (Sri Lanka) and graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree majoring in Sculpture. Pala hails from a background of traditional craft artistes and ritual specialists and so incorporates and reinterprets certain material and philosophical contents of traditional art in his work. Pala was the winner of the Sovereign Asian Art Prize in Hong Kong.