Standard Museum

Raum 02

21.5/21.6 seat warmers create a false sense of security
22.6/22.7 hold on - the road will curve blissfully
23.7/22.8 subvert reality by sticking to the road
23.8/22.9 who do you really want to travel with
23.9/23.10 Yes it is a virtue - but the road calls
24.10/22.11 you are hungry for company and the curve of the road
23.11/21.12 drive fast - no guilt today
22.12/20.1 don't forget the keys
21.1/18.2 a stranger asks for a free ride
19.2/20.3 a new scent an the road makes you dream
21.3/19.4 accident - blame no one
20.4/20.5 attempting an apologie the car ran over your foot