Safety Curtain

Safety Curtain 1999/2000

The Austrian artists Christine and Irene Hohenbüchler were the choice of the international jury (Robert Fleck, Kasper König, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Nancy Spector) for the production of the second large-format picture for the safety curtain of the Vienna State Opera for the 1999/2000 season. By including in their work a chronological list of all the world premieres and opening nights of the Vienna State Opera, they confront the history of the opera house on the Vienna Ringstrasse. However, the chronology also makes a general connection to history. The fact, visible from the list, that 1945 was the only year in which there were no first performances gives rise to deeper historical associations. Not only the list of years, but also the red-painted crosses which came about as a result of the Kosovo war, form a chronological arch of history which reaches into the present. 

In summer 2001 the book "Safety Curtain 2. Christine und Irene Hohenbüchler" was published; P & S Wien, Johannes Schlebrügge Editor, 2001. Visit our Webshop.

The project, which was organised by museum in progress in co-operation with the Vienna State Opera, was financed by the sponsoring group artpool (ABB, Deloitte & Touche, Dorotheum, Erste Bank, Glaxo Wellcome, Portfolio Kunst AG, UTA Telekom AG, Wein & Co, Wittmann, Xerox).

Media partners of museum in progress: Der Standard, gewista, INFOSCREEN; Digital Imaging: Vienna Paint; Graphic design: Alexander Rendi; production partner for CALSI: BEKO Ing. P. Kotauczek GmbH, Trevision. Catering: Hilton Vienna; Official Carrier: Austrian Airlines.