The choice of the international jury (Robert Fleck, Kasper König, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Nancy Spector) for the production of the first large-format picture for the safety curtain of the Vienna State Opera for the 1998/1999 season was the Afro-American artist, Kara Walker. In her cut-out work she confronts Austrian history, and especially that of the Vienna State Opera, in a critical, almost cynical way.
In autumn 2000 the book "Safety Curtain 1 Kara Walker" was published; P & S Wien, Johannes Schlebrügge Editor, 2000. Visit our Webshop.
The project, which was organised by museum in progress in co-operation with the Vienna State Opera, was financed by the sponsoring group artpool (ABB, Deloitte & Touche, Dorotheum, Erste Bank, Glaxo Wellcome, Portfolio Kunst AG, UTA Telekom AG, Wein & Co, Wittmann, Xerox).
Media partners of museum in progress: Der Standard, gewista, INFOSCREEN; Digital Imaging: Vienna Paint; Graphic design: Alexander Rendi; production partner for CALSI: BEKO Ing. P. Kotauczek GmbH, Trevision.
Safety Curtain