A programme to determine the position of art and artistic activity in the context of contemporary society.
University of Applied Arts, Vienna
1010, Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2
Friday, 11 May 2001
2.00 pm
Rektor Gerald Bast
2.30 pm
Jochen Gerz, Hans Peter Litscher
the mission of art
4.00 pm
Nikos Papastergiadis
The Politics of the Everyday
5.30 pm
Stella Rollig
Die große Hoffnung Kunst
6.30 pm
Chris Dercon
The Mission of Museums
Saturday, 12 May 2001
2.00 pm
Sylvere Lotringer
Extreme Art
3.00 pm
Denys Zacharopoulos
"Künstlerisches Wesen" und Kulturphänomene
4.00 pm
Hans-Ulrich Obrist
Valerio and other
Urban Rumors
5.00 pm
Panel discussion
Felicitas Thun
Matthias Herrmann
Laurent Godin
Manfred Faßler
Sylvere Lotringer
Hans-Ulrich Obrist
mission of art