
Journey to the Source Catalogue

The two-part catalogue "Journey to the Source" documents the submissions by the participating artists in volume one and the artistic "results" of the travels in six-page blocks in volume 2. The start and finish of the projects can thus be compared.

In this project from museum on progress, designed with curator Stella Rollig, young Austrian artists undertook a project of their own which involved flying to an Austrian Airlines destination. The length of time spent at the destination was left for the artist to decide. The artists contributed to a catalogue to present and document their "Journey to the Source". The project ran from autumn 1992 until the end of 1993. 50 artists were selected from approximately 400 applications:

Uli Aigner, Alf Altendorf, Iris Andraschek, Sabine Bitter, Uwe Bressnik, Die Damen, Andreas Dwořak, Ilia Gallée, Achim Germann, Maurus Gmür, Franz Greger, Stefan Gyurko, Maria Hahnenkamp, Karin Hazelwander, Martin Hodel, Richard Hoeck, Walter Hollinetz, Christian Hutzinger, Margarete Jahrmann, Robert Jelinek, Karl-Heinz Klopf, Aglaia Konrad, Sigrid Kurz, Andreas Leikauf, Hubert Lobnig, Katarina Matiasek, Kurt Matt, Christoph Nebel, Martin Osterider, Gerhard Paul, PRINZGAU/podgorschek, Mario Rott, Gerorg Salner, Beate Schachinger, Leo Schatzl, Christoph Schlegel, Eric Schumacher, Josef Schwaiger, Anna Stangl, Station Rose, Klaus Stattmann, Hermann Staudinger, Andrea van der Straeten, Diemut Strebe, Ingeborg Strobl, Christian Teckert, Helmut Weber, Gerold Wucherer and Robert Zahornicky.

The project was realised in co-operation with Austrian Airlines and Robert Fleck, curator commissioned by the Minister for Education and Art. For each Austrian Airlines ticket bought by Robert Fleck through museum in progress, the airline gave museum in progress a free ticket. This longer term co-operation (Austrian Airlines Official Carrier of museum in progress) generated enough tickets to enable some to be allocated to other artists involved in different projects.