media loop

media loop is a long-term project by museum in progress, offering artists the possibility of addressing the mass media in their work. The results of these artistic investigations of print or digital media will be shown in a feedback loop in media environments. Curated by Alois Herrmann and Kaspar Mühlemann Hartl.

Olaf Nicolai opened the media loop exhibition series with a collection of media images with aesthetic/poetic and (socio-)political connotations. In the exhibition There Is No Place Before Arrival (13 July – 7 October 2018) curated by Luca Lo Pinto these newspaper pictures were painted on the floor of the Kunsthalle Vienna by street and theatre artists to form a huge walk-on "pictorial carpet". As an extension of this exhibition, museum in progress presented the painted newspaper photos in cooperation with Kunsthalle Vienna in the media environment of the following eighteen media partners as half-page, full-page or double-page spreads:

profil: 06-08-2018, no. 32/18, p. 68
Kleine Zeitung: 11-08-2018, p. 25
St. Galler Tagblatt: 15-08-2018, p. 14
Falter: 16-08-2018, issue 33, Falter:Woche, p. 13
Neue Westfälische: 25-08-2018, p. BI6
DER STANDARD: 25-08-2018, p. 29
Die Furche: 30-08-2018, p. 12–13
brand eins: 31-08-2018, issue 09/2018, p. 69
ray Filmmagazin: 31-08-2018, issue 09/2018, p. 40–41
trend: 31-08-2018, no. 35/18, p. 101
vormagazin: 04-09-2018, issue 09/2018, p. 10–11
Wiener Zeitung: 08-09-2018, p. 28
wina: September issue, no. 9, vol. 7, p. 16
Augustin: 12-09-2018, no. 466, p. 20–21
architektur.aktuell: 13-09-2018, issue 09/2018, p. 60–61
wienlive: 14-09-2018, issue 05, p. 48–49
Kurier: 15-09-2018, p. 31
Die Furche: 27-09-2018, p. 12–13
wina: October issue, No. 10, p. 34
The Gap: 20-11-2018, no. 172, p. 25

media loop also provides a virtual exhibition space on Instagram:
#medialoop #olafnicolai #museuminprogress #kunsthallewien

museum in progress is offering for sale an Edition box complete as well as single works, which are signed and numbered, see: