The artistic intervention “Analogue Encounters” by Adrian Paci offers a platform to the normally anonymous contributors to a publication project, whose work processes are essential to the production of the publication, but remain invisible to the readers. In this case, three bookbinders from the G.G. Buchbinderei who were involved in a book project by museum in progress are brought to the fore. They were invited by Paci to handwrite a short sentence of their choice, or simply their name, on an empty double-page spread in one third of the printed books.
Doris Baireder has chosen the phrase "Live in the present", which she had tattooed on her leg as a life motto after a difficult experience. Martin Manschein's message to the readers is "It doesn't always have to make sense". Silvia Rosenkranz chose her surname, which in Catholic Austria evokes religious associations with the rosary as a prayer chain or devotional form. Due to this manual intervention, each copy of the book becomes unique. In addition, the respective worker is portrayed on a full-page by means of a still chosen by Paci from a video made at their workplace.
Adrian Paci, 2021, Analogue Encounters, museum in progress, intervention in cooperation with Doris Baireder, Martin Manschein and Silvia Rosenkranz from G.G. Buchbinderei, in the publikation "museum in progress. Art in public spaces and in media – IN ONE END & OUT THE OTHER [ & THEN AGAIN ]", ed. by Kaspar Mühlemann Hartl and Alois Herrmann, museum in progress, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, Köln, 2021.
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