
Tranzit 04


1. In which epoch or century would you like to have been born?
- Prehistoric times (1p.)
- Antiquity (2p.)
- Middle Ages (3p.)
- 17th and 18th century (4p.)
- 19th century (5p.)
- 20th century (6p.)
- Present (7p.)
- Future (8p.)

2. Which country would you like to live in?
- War zone (1p.)
- Occupied country (2p.)
- Totalitarian country (3p.)
- Totalitarian superpower (4p.)
- Colony (5p.)
- Country in an armed conflict (6p.)
- Democratic country (7p.)
- Democratic world power (8p.)

3. What should your family's social status be?
- Slave family (1p.)
- Very poor family (2p.)
- Poor family (3p.)
- Lower middle class (4p.)
- Middle class (5p.)
- Upper middle class (6p.)
- Rich family (7p.)
- Ruling family (8p.)

4. Which gender would you like to be?
- Female (now you are a man) (1p.)
- Female (now you are a woman) (4p.)
- Male (now you are a man) (5p.)
- Male (now you are a woman) (8p.)

5. How would you like to look?
- Repulsive (1p.)
- Ugly (2p.)
- A bit ugly (3p.)
- Ordinary (4p.)
- Pretty good (5p.)
- Good (6p.)
- Very good (7p.)
- Perfect (8p.)

6. What skin colour would you like?
- Black (1p.)
- Brown (3p.)
- Yellow (5p.)
- White (8p.)

7. How high should your intelligence quotient be?
- Less than 90 (1p.)
- Between 90 and 99 (2p.)
- Between 100 and 109 (3p.)
- Between 110 and 119 (4p.)
- Between 120 and 128 (5p.)
- Between 128 and 135 (6p.)
- Between 136 and 140 (7p.)
- more than 141 (8p.)

8. Which sexual orientation would you like to have?
- Homosexual (1p.)
- Bisexual (4p.)
- Heterosexual (8p.)

9. Which congenital disabilities would you like to have?
- Blind (1p.)
- Deaf (2p.)
- Mute (3p.)
- Defective vision (4p.)
- Stammering (5p.)
- Colour blind (6p.)
- Nearsighted (7p.)
- None (8p.)

10. At what age would you like to die?
- In childhood (1p.)
- Between 16 and 25 (2p.)
- Between 26 and 35 (3p.)
- Between 36 and 45 (4p.)
- Between 46 and 55 (5p.)
- Between 56 and 65 (6p.)
- Between 66 and 75 (7p.)
- Between 76 and 85 (8p.)

The points value of the correctly completed questionnaire must not exceed 60!