Dockers in scabs out
I'll be rather a picket than a scab
Re-instate the five hundred
The workers united will never be defited
Say no to casualisation
Victory to the Liverpool Dockers
Long Live International Solidarity
If we fight we can win if we don't fight we've already lost
An injury to one is an injury to all
Scab port
Mad cow port
Women of the waterfront: stand by your men
You'll never walk alone
Whose side are you on Tony Blair
Reclaim our port
Uncasual labour
38 000000 pounds profits 500 dockers sacked
Mr. Fulong 361000 pounds a year and a sacked docker 44 pounds a week, hope you feel good Mr Fulong!
W.O.W. (Women of the Waterfront) in struggle with five hundred Liverpool dockers
Twenty months in dispute
W.O.W. together we will win