TransAct 16

TransAct statement

Christian Kravagna, art critic, chose the anti-racist demands from "get to attack" instead of making an own statement:

Anti-racist demands from get to attack

We demand:

. that the existing institutional and everyday racism in Austria should no longer be denied or ignored but should be commented upon and measures should be taken to combat it.
. an educational initiative 'What is Racism' in public institutions (schools, army, police, government authorities etc.)
. an active migration policy and a policy of legal, social and economic equality independent of nationality or country of origin.
. civil rights independent of citizenship.

. an anti-racism law (based upon the law against activities to promote nazism).
. equality for all social benefits independent of nationality or country of origin.
. the right to municipal housing independent of nationality or country of origin.
. the right to vote for everybody who is resident in Austria.
. regulations against racist vocabulary in public institutions.
. an independent control body for racist discrimination, acts and statements in public institutions, the media and in the field of political communication.
. the prohibition of 'no foreigner' clauses in advertisements for jobs and housing.
. the establishment of a body which is independent of the police to investigate cases of racist behaviour within the police apparatus.
. the abolition of remand pending deportation.

. the resignation of the Austrian Federal Government as a precondition for anti-racist policies.