
raising flags editions

Numerous editions have been created since 2023 as part of the raising flags project.

Thomas Bayrle°, Minerva Cuevas*, Christian Eisenberger°, Mounir Fatmi, Martin Grandits*, Wade Guyton, Peter Jellitsch, Anna Jermolaewa°, Miriam Jonas, Martha Jungwirth°, Maureen Kägi, Gerhard Kaiser, Samson Kambalu*, Peter Kogler°, Agnieszka Kurant, Jonathan Meese, Maurizio Nannucci°, Olaf Nicolai*, Saskia Pintelon, Sophia Pompéry*, Haleh Redjaian, Christian Robert-Tissot*, Hans Schabus, Eva Schlegel, Sun Xun, Chandraguptha Thenuwara, Grazia Toderi and Erwin Wurm*

Flag editions
Format: mostly 80 x 123 cm
Technique: Flag, colour print on vinyl mesh
Edition: mostly 60 copies each, signed and numbered
Prices: on request, the flags currently range between € 100 and € 950 (excluding VAT and shipping).

* Cuevas: 50 copies each, 4 motifs (German, English, Spanish, French); Grandits: can be personalised (third city name on request), 50 copies; Kambalu: 25 copies, Format 80 x 83 cm; Nicolai: 2 motifs, can only be purchased together; Pompéry: includes signed instructions of the artist; Robert-Tissot: 15 copies each, 3 motifs (I WANT NOTHING, ICH WILL NICHTS, FUCK THE CONTEXT); Toderi: a total of 60 copies from 4 motifs; Wurm: Format 120 x 93 cm, 4 motifs (DEEP, LIFE, HOPE, DOPE)

Further raising flags editions
° Bayrle: 2 serigraphs, Format 64 x 90 cm, 60 copies each; Eisenberger: C-print behind acrylic glass, Format 60 x 90 cm, 60 copies; Kogler: C-print on a semi-transparent mirror film, Format 40 x 60 cm, 20 copies; Jermolaewa: 3 bag flags, Format 60 x 80 cm, 35 copies each, 3 colour versions (red, blue, black); Jungwirth: lithography, Format 80 x 60 cm, 90 copies; Nannucci: 3 serigraphs, Format 60 x 90 cm, 60 copies each, 3 colour versions (red, blue, yellow) with collector's folder

For enquiries and orders, please indicate in the comments field which edition you are interested in! Framing is possible on request for an additional charge.