Standard Museum

Room 19

M. A man seeking a woman

Where is the woman I can fall in love with?
M., 45 years old, bank director, handsome, 185 cm tall, 86 kg, seeks a lovely lady...

Alpha male seeks alpha female
Decisions should be made swiftly...

A five-point action plan...

Soft, humorous, and easy-going is ideal
No. 1, slim, greying Viennese man in his mid-50s

She should be a blonde in jeans worth showing off
No. 2, youthful doctor, a true gentleman

To love is to enable others to grow. Find yourself a woman with no particular features
No. 3, retired entrepreneur, financially independent

Don’t you long for warmth and security?
No. 4, charming Viennese woman, no longer a pretty woman, yet presentable. Uneducated, but not ignorant...

I’d like to fall in love again! Maybe with you?
No. 5, an old Linz gal, slightly worn, but with heart, charm, and chic...

Where is the loving woman with the strong shoulder to lean on?!
The strategy failed. False friends? In a place where he could be freed from the weight of existential searching...

Then M. had a nostalgic vision in a Viennese neighbourhood...

Kindred soul sought! Are you the man I can share my positive perception of the world with?

The shock had stopped his heart...

I’m just like you! Suddenly, love is here!!
Sadly, the innocent frolics had to end...

A simple question that’s hard to answer. Identification with the father is often no longer possible.
Do you want to be like Mum?
That didn’t stop F. from keeping a sharp eye on the current state of things...

This remained the subject of enduring riddles and mournful self-reflection. A replacement, to be sure – a modest one – yet greeted anew each day with warmth...