TransAct 06

TransAct statement

While currently working as a Gastarbeiter in Berlin I am continually congratulated that I do not have to be in Vienna at the moment. I always reject these congratulations but I am gradually beginning to understand them.

The new government, which was not elected but which came to power through tricky manoeuvring, pleads to be judged according to their deeds. This government is right, we must judge them according to their deeds. There are numerous examples of how this government themselves prove that they have neither the confidence of the people nor any legitimisation. One example: the scandal of Krüger, Minister of Justice for three weeks was followed by the scandal that of all people the personal lawyer of the Chancellor-maker Haider, Böhmdorfer – infamous for how often he has represented the Freedom Party – was appointed as the new Minister of Justice. The independent judiciary is now presided over by a lawyer who is extremely devoted to the Freedom Party. Who should not talk about bias in future? Who can still have confidence in the judiciary, especially if one must go to court to protect oneself from an insult from Jörg Haider or one of his pals?

The Chancellor apparently wants to domesticate Haider. However, his method is to replace one scandal with another. How is it so nicely put? We should judge the new government by its deeds.

Hermann Beil, Berlin
Dramaturge, Berlin Ensemble

1st of March 2K